Wednesday, January 5, 2011

If I Were the Greent Hornet

Hello readers!!!
I’m back in KL now =)

Once reached home I browse through Nuffnang’s webpage,
And saw the blogging contest to win a pair of premiere screening tickets of The Green Hornet!!!

I’m so looking forward for this movie.
Why you asked?
Because my favorite singer, Jay Chou,
Is acting in the movie!
This is the first time he appears in English movie!!!
I would really like to see him challenging himself for acting in English movie.
It will be HUGE if he can really speak fluent English!!!
 In addition,
the best written blog post will win a Sony Walkman worth RM299!!
Excited! =)

Now for the task to win the tickets and the Sony Walkman *hopefully*,
I have to tell Nuffnang what wound I do to stop crime if I were the Green Hornet.
The Green Hornet will be assisted by the cool stuffs and high-tech gadgets,
So I don’t have to worry about how should I fight back or escape while encounter enemies.
What I have to do is to train myself fit!

Stamina is a must in fighting crime.
It is not for running away from the criminals,
It is for chasing the criminals!
Probably you would say this:
‘You have cool stuffs and high-tech gadgets mah~ No need to chase them also can catch them one!!!’
But you’re wrong.
What if the gadgets are spoiled or malfunction?
You’ll never know what will happen during the mission =)
I will go gym for train myself when I have the time,
To keep myself fit for stopping crimes!!

Of course I also have to learn how to use my gadgets. LOL~
No matter how cool or high-tech the gadgets are,
They are still useless if you don’t know how to operate them!!
I’ll learn to use the surroundings/environments and make them my strength while fighting the criminals!
With the combination of the gadgets, surroundings, and my own fitness,
The chance of stopping the criminals is high! =)

The main criteria are,
ü  Stamina
ü  Skills
ü  Intelligence
ü  Make use of the surroundings
And definitely I’ll be having the victory! =)

That’s basically what I’ll do to stop the crimes if I were the Green Hornet.
What will you guys do then? =)

*I wana win this!!*

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