Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Season of Witch is HERE!!!!

Hello my fella readers!!
And YES!!
I’m back in KL! =)

At first I got bad news once I got down from the airplane.
My payments for the jobs are not banked in yet!!
It has been 4 months after the event is finished and I haven’t got my payment until now!!!!
The agent promised me will bank in for me this Friday.
If I still didn’t get it,
I don’t know what I’ll do to the agency. ==

After I reached home,
And unpacked my belongings,
The next thing to do is of course online!
I browse through Nuffnang’s page,
And I came across this amazing thing!!!
Nuffnang is giving out 60 pairs of movie tickets for the premiere screening of Season of the Witch!!
I bet most of you guys out there haven’t heard of this movie.
One of my favourite actors is acting.
Who is that you asked?
Take a nice look at this poster and you will know.

I just love him so much!!
I’m definitely gonna win the tickets. *wink*

Have I mentioned another exciting about this contest?
I’ll tell you all now.
The most creative post for this contest will win 3 days 2 nights trip at Penang,
And staying in Hard Rock Hotel Penang Studio Suite!!

Now I should start to tell what of wizard scares me the most.

I never encounter any wizard in my life.
But I saw a lot from the television. LOL~
The scariest thing about wizard,
To me (at least),
Is their ability to cast WHATEVER SPELL they want,
To ANYONE they want.

The grossest spell that I never wanted it to be casted on me is the spell which turns me into animals,
Especially FROG, COCKROACH, and RATS!!!!
But they are wizards’ favourites don’t they?
I’m super duper afraid of these animals!!!
That’s why I have no any favor in wizard. LOL~

But of course,
There are nice and good wizard as well,
Those that help people who are in difficulties and fight for people.
For example,
The Legendary Knight, Behman!!!
He is actually Nicholas Cage’s character in the Season of the Witch.

There are cool things about wizards too!
The coolest thing of wizards,
If you ask me,
I would say that they can fly with brooms!!!

*ok~ I admit that I put a little too much pictures of wizards with broom~ But they are cute aren't they? LOL~*

I would like to try that someday.
*if I encounter any nice and good wizard like Behman~ wink*

That’s all for today’s post~
I’m gonna upload the photos from Sabah in the next post!!
*wish me luck in winning the tickets and the holiday package!!*

*I’m tired but excited!!*

1 comment:

  1. the title of the movie doesnt really match the movie poster.. should be a lady, coz it's about witch right? :P
