Monday, December 13, 2010


Today is already the second last day of my trip in Sabah.
Well honestly,
It is kinda boring staying at home.
That’s the disadvantage of not having a car I guessed.
Or I’ve get used to life where there is always a car available? LOL~

Went to supper with Aaron and his girlfriend together with dear yesterday night.
We went to Upperstar.
It is a café and bar.
I ordered fish and chips.
Dear requested for a fork.
The waitress seems like misunderstood dear’s request.
So dear double confirm with the waitress again that he only wants a fork,
Not another set of fish and chips.
And the waitress nodded.
We assumed she understands it clearly.
Later a waiter delivered a set of fish and chips to our table.
We told him that already canceled the order.
We were so speechless. LOL~
We saw the waiters and waitresses are like very unhappy with our action,
And the waitress who took the wrong order was sitting very relaxingly on the couch without taking any responsibility.
So this is the customer service nowadays. LOL~

We went to see AQUA!!!
The AQUAs are like attracted to dear.
Or they thought we are customers? Haha~
It was really very funny.
One of them even stood up and dance (hot dance) when we passed by ‘her’ for third time. LOL~
I guessed it will be an unforgettable experience. Haha~

Anyway, that’s all for this post.
Gotta get ready for another hang out session! =)

*having fun!* 

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