Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tired Day

I just woke up from nap,
And yet I’m still so damn tired!!!

Went to the club’s first event just now.
This club is the first club that I joined in this college,
And it will be the last.
The club name is Eat Play Life club (EPL),
And I’m the event manager of this club.
I hope I can learn something from this club.

This club is actually not a formal club like other clubs,
Such as CCS, JCI and others,
But it will be the club which brings the most fun to the students here! =)

By the way,
Back to the event just now,
It was just a minor event.
The trial make-up tutorial for girls!

During the tutorial,
Committees of the club were introduced and the girls are taught by Wai San for the college make-up skills.
I learned something too =)

There will be 5 formal make-up tutorials in next semester!
I hope a lot of girls will join too!!! =)

Now I want to update about my birthday celebration!
I’ve celebrated my birthday twice this year!
And for both times,
My dear was there!! ^^

Due to the wrong timing,
My birthday celebration with family was on 31 October 2010.
On that day,
In the morning,
Dear and I went to Mid Valley to get my present!
My dear bought me a handbag,
Valentino Rudy handbag!!
I love it very much!! ^^

After we had bought the handbag,
We had our lunch at Sushi Tei.
The foods are nice!
But expensive too. =(

 Does this looks like a human face? LOL~ @@

 Dear: I want to eat!! =(
Me: Wait lah~ Let me take pictures first.. xD

Saw this when passed by MAC. 
The ladies were busying choosing make-up products,
while their gentlemen were sitting on the chair and waiting.
The chairs were full.
I wonder what they were thinking while sitting there.
Seeing other pretty girls or wish their ladies will purchase faster?

We went to watch movie after lunch.
It is a nice movie,
But the ending is very sad.
I don’t like that. =(

After the movie,
We went home to fetch my parents to go for dinner.
We had our dinner at Brickfields.
The Brickfields nowadays is super jammed!!
I don’t like going there ><
We stuck in the traffic jam for like half an hour before we reach the restaurant.
I was so hungry!!
And of course,
I ate a lot on that day!!

After dinner,
We went home.
And my family had prepared a mini birthday party for me!
I was so happy!! ^^
Thank you Daddy, Mummy, and Mei Mei!! ^^

On the other day,
My friends in college celebrated my birthday!
On 2nd November 2010,
They have started to act and so called ‘cheated’ on me.
Shiun told me that she argued with Gan and super moody.
Asked me to go accompany her to walk around and talk.
She looked got bit emo and sad.
But after we reached the Administration Block walkway and start chatting,
She looked normal and don’t feel sad at all.
But I didn’t suspect anything.
I forgot that’s my birthday,

And suddenly,
I heard people singing birthday song and I turned back,
I saw my bunch of friends there!!
I was seriously surprised!!
Thanks to all of you!! ^^

So that’s my birthday this year!
Thanks to everyone who participated in the celebration with me.
I’m very happy and appreciate it. ^^
Thanks to both my dear who planned the birthday celebration too. ^^

I love both of you!!!


1 comment:

  1. nice post! glad u had a very memorable and enjoyable birthday celebration with family and friends!
