Hi all!
I’ve just experienced the most eventful week in my life!
It maybe just normal case for other bloggers who are very active in activities,
But got a beginner like ME,
It was really an eventful week!
For those who followed my blog,
Of course you all know about the contest I’ve won!
On Wednesday,
I went to the preview screening of RED!
The movie is very nice!!! =)
On Thursday,
I joined the Treasure Hunt,
Which is organized by the Hospitality School of my college.
It was really fun!
First we gathered at 5pm at the Resource Centre Walkway.
After they’ve briefed us on the game,
The game is officially STARTED!!!
There were total of 8 stations for this Treasure Hunt.
My group’s first station is at the lake of my college.
When we reached there,
We are asked to draw from the bag to determine what are we supposed to eat to get the next clue.
One of my group mate, Jih Jia,
She took one piece of paper from the bag and we opened it,
And it said “HUMAN JUICE”.
We were like, “What is human juice?”
While we were wondering,
The person who in-charge of the game took out 3 lemons,
And we have to eat the lemons in 3minutes!
(well, I forgot is 2 or 3 minutes. Hehe~)
At first I thought the lemons are very sour,
And some of my group mates cannot eat sour food,
But then after I ate,
The lemons are not sour!!
It is very lucky for us!! =)
I heard some of them have to eat chili sauce with pineapple!!
That was so yucks~
We are lucky!! ^^
Next station is at the teaching block.
Our legs are tied to each other’s leg,
And we have to walk and work together to the centre of the block to get our next clue.
Well that was really fun!!
It clearly shows our group work there!! =)
The most important thing is nobody gets hurt while playing the game! ^^
After that,
We ran to the outdoor gym in our college as that was the third station for us.
When we reached there,
Our opponents are not there yet.
We have to wait for our opponents to reach there as we are going to compete.
Our time was wasted there.
Once our opponents reached,
The mini game started!
The game is,
Whoever light up the candles first will win!!
And guess what?
Of course my group won!!
Girls power rocks!!!
The next clue is go to somewhere between the male residence and pick up 10 different leaves on the way.
So we simply grab 10 different kinds of leaves and ran there.
When we were searching for the next station,
We met with other group.
And they are barbarian!!!
I hate them!!
You will know why after this.
Once we reached the next station,
We were required to work in pairs,
And deliver the water balloons from one side to another,
Without the hand touching the balloons and the balloons fall on the ground.
We have to deliver 10 balloons in total.
And of course,
We were managed to do that!
Daphne and Monica are superb!!!
They were so fast while they were delivering the balloons!!
BRAVO!!! =)
So the next station is on the football field.
This game is the game that I hate the most.
And guess what?
Our opponents are the barbarian group. ><
To get the next clue,
We have to compete against each other.
What we have to do is,
We have to run to another side,
Blow away the flour,
Use our mouth to catch the sweets,
And put it on another plate.
I’m the first who tried that,
And ended up with the face full with flour. ==
We lose in this round,
And our penalty is to eat bread with wasabi!!!
I hate wasabi!!! ><
But what to do,
I have to eat it.
Treasure hunt is all about teamwork,
I can’t leave my group members eating without I eating it together with them. =)
When we reached the next station,
We saw the barbarian group, again.
They were our opponent, AGAIN!
While we were waiting,
They kept calling us loser.
Damn it!
I told them,
“At least we can eat wasabi with bread! At least our energy is re-charged after eating! Better than you all, so tiring!”
We were really mad at that time.
So for this game,
We swore to win them.
For this game,
We have to get a pail of water,
And fill the water into another pail,
Regardless of what methods we use to fill the pain,
Except pouring the water into it straight away.
So I know,
I have to sacrifice my shoes. =(
While Monica and KarMen went to fill up the water,
The barbarian group kept on like pushing them away in a very barbarian way!
Lucky my group mates are not injured!
Or else we will be very mad and complain them!
And actually, honestly,
I think my group filled up another pail faster than them!
We only use a total of one and a half pail of water to fill up another pail,
While they need to use 3 pails I think?
And we were FASTER!!!!
The person-in-charge gave us the clue without giving us any penalty,
And straight tell us where to go next!!
I don’t know your name,
But thanks!! =)
So we were heading to the 7th station,
Which was at the tennis court.
We have to tied up balloons at our leg,
And of course,
You all know the game.
We have to protect our balloons and ‘crash’ our opponents’ balloons.
I have phobia to balloons so I can’t play.
My group loses again in this round.
The penalty is to blow a balloon until it burst!!
And our savior, Monica, did that!!
Thank you Monica!!! =)
The last station is the Resource Centre Walkway.
Of course,
When we reached there,
There were already other groups.
The champion is already out.
We were kind of disappointed,
But somehow,
We felt proud!
We were the first FEMALE group which reached the final station,
And we BEAT the barbarian group!!!!!
That was the happiest thing!!!
After that was the BBQ session.
We were so full!! =)
Here are some photos during BBQ session. =)
We celebrated Daphne’s birthday too!!!
I think I will write about her birthday celebration on the next post,
As this post is WAY TOO LONG already!!!
Happy Birthday Daphne =)
I will be going to the screening for You Again!
Thanks Nuffnang for the tickets!!! =)
p/s: more pictures will be uploaded!!! =)
*MOE assignment how?*